Our Supporters
SWAN Youth Service launched it’s latest Strategic Plan on Friday 30th April 2021. We were delighted that the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’ Gorman launched the plan through pre-recorded video link. The plan sets out our goals and direction for the coming three years. Thanks to all the young people, Board of Management, staff, community members and Funders who contributed to the development of the plan.
Feel free to download the Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023 here

Our Services
Community Employment Programme
The Community Employment (CE) programme is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed (or otherwise disadvantaged) to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities. Participants can take up other part-time work during their placement. After the placement, participants are encouraged to look for permanent jobs elsewhere, based on the experience and new skills they have gained while on a Community Employment scheme.
The Community Employment programme is administered by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). The DEASP gives financial support in the form of allowances and funding to assist with the Community Employment programme, for example, participant wages, supervisor grants, materials grants and specific skills training grants. Community Employment sponsors are the voluntary organisations or public bodies that manage CE schemes at a local level.
Detailed information is available in the Community Employment procedures manual.
To check your eligibility click here.
For available CE Schemes please email here.
Office Hours
9:00 – 17:00
13:00 – 14:00
News Articles
Aaron Connolly on O’Casey in the Estate
Anyone who watched O'Casey in the Estate on RTE 1 will recognise his voice. Those who haven't seen it yet - should. You might find some familiar faces. Our own Aaron Connolly telling his story about the experience behind the filming of the documentary in under five...
Spencer Dock Family Fun Day 2019
Thanks everyone for coming out in spite of the weather! Supported this year by Hubspot, A Playful City, SWIM Ireland, Inland Waterways, Waterways Ireland, the Adventure Project, local volunteers and more!
Music to your ears, eyes and brain: scoring gold standards in mental health
Mental health wasn’t on the agenda when the Swan Youth Service started a weekly music group in the basement of its main centre in Dublin’s northeast inner city. However, “it became apparent quite early on that the music was bringing up a lot of issues young people...