About Us
Our vision is that all young people will live in an equal, inclusive society where they feel connected to and are part of their own community, have control of their own
Our mission is to empower and facilitate young people to be critical thinkers, to have an equal voice, to make informed life choices so that they are valued in their own right, are active participants in their own lives, in their communities and in wider society.
SWAN Youth Service advocates for and on behalf of all young people engaged in the service and particularly on behalf of those most vulnerable, marginalised, socially excluded and at risk in the community. SWAN also encourages and supports young people to advocate and speak up for themselves and their peers.
SWAN Youth Services operates from a Critical Social Education Model of Youth Work and encourages young people to think critically about social justice and social change. In this regard, SWAN works with young people to identify their role and contribution to social justice and social change at local and global levels.
SWAN Youth Service is committed to the inclusion and involvement of all young people irrespective of their background or personal or social circumstances and strives to include those young people most at risk in the community.
SWAN Youth Service works with all young people ‘where they are at’ and strongly encourages young people towards meaningful and active participation in programmes as well as in shaping and planning the delivery of the Service. SWAN believes in the voluntary participation of young people but actively targets those young people who are most marginalised and most at risk. SWAN’s goal is the sustained engagement and participation of these young people in the Service for a long as possible.
SWAN Youth Service works in a respectful way with all young people involved in the service and strives to instil respect in young people for one another, their families, community and wider society.
SWAN Youth Service acknowledges the individuality and diversity of all young people engaged in the service and works with young people in a non-judgmental and open-minded way.
SWAN Youth Service believes that all young people deserve, need and have a right to the same chances and opportunities and strives to ensure equality of opportunity for all young people.
SWAN Youth Service works to empower all young people to take ownership and responsibility for themselves, their lives, their community and wider society. SWAN also empowers young people to have pride in, and take ownership of the Service.
SWAN Youth Service believes that everyone has a right to a safe and secure environment, free from violence, coercion and intimidation. SWAN Also works to ensure the safety of all staff and volunteers who work with young people.
SWAN Youth Service works in partnership with key agencies and organisations in the community to ensure that young people have the maximum access to the supports, programmes and services they need.