Our Supporters


The voluntary nature of relationships for young people in Swan Youth Service makes space for creativity, expression, openness, and progression. With positive relationships built young people feel safer and more confident.
We know that while the young people locally face many challenges, they have the capacity to achieve great things and meet their dreams.

Ciara Cunningham
Director of
SWAN Youth Service

At SYS we teach a number of musical instruments such as guitars – half size for beginners and full size for acoustic, electric and bass guitars.

Good place to hang out!

SWAN Youth Service launched it’s latest Strategic Plan on Friday 30th April 2021. We were delighted that the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’ Gorman launched the plan through pre-recorded video link. The plan sets out our goals and direction for the coming three years. Thanks to all the young people, Board of Management, staff, community members and Funders who contributed to the development of the plan.

Feel free to download the Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023 here

SWAN Youth Service Strategic Plan infographic

Our Services


At SYS we teach a number of musical instruments such as: acoustic guitars (half size for children and young teens), electric and bass guitars. We also teach piano (keyboard), ukulele, violin, thin whistle and harmonica, as well as percussion drums, tambourine, maracas, bodhran and others.

Youth Employment

The Youth Employment worker engages with young people aged 18-25 to identify their Career options and to advocate on their behalf to access education and employment opportunities.

Youth Diversion

SWAN YDP aims to help young people move away from activity that might get them or their friends into trouble with the law. We offer opportunities for education, employment training, sport, art, music and other activities.

International Youth Club

The international Youth Club is a collaborative initiative which developed through the work of the International Young people at Risk sub-group. The IYC was established in January 2009 and runs every Saturday during school term time.

Open Access

Open Access runs twice a week for young people who are in Secondary School. The building is available for young people to come and engage with our Youth Workers, participate in activities, or just ‘hang out’ with friends.

One to One

The young people that participate are those who need more intensive support with certain issues that are affecting their lives. It allows a positive working relationship with the young person to develop.

Community Employment Programme

The Community Employment (CE) programme is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed (or otherwise disadvantaged) to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities. Participants can take up other part-time work during their placement. After the placement, participants are encouraged to look for permanent jobs elsewhere, based on the experience and new skills they have gained while on a Community Employment scheme.

The Community Employment programme is administered by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). The DEASP gives financial support in the form of allowances and funding to assist with the Community Employment programme, for example, participant wages, supervisor grants, materials grants and specific skills training grants. Community Employment sponsors are the voluntary organisations or public bodies that manage CE schemes at a local level.

Detailed information is available in the Community Employment procedures manual.

To check your eligibility click here.

For available CE Schemes please email here.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 – 17:00

13:00 – 14:00

News Articles



SWAN Youth Service hosted a Youth Café event on the 25 April in St Agatha’s Hall. 30 young people from a number of youth clubs based in the NEIC area participated in the event which was facilitated by Community Action Network (CAN). The workshop focused on how the...

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“I struggle a lot with anxiety,” she says. If there’s trouble at home, “Swan is a place I come to play music and get away from stuff”.

Tamzin (17), plays the guitar and is learning to play the piano.

“It takes my mind off everything.”

Aaron (19), started playing bass last January after three years of learning the acoustic guitar and finds music sessions to be good for clearing the head.

“I am very grateful having got the chance to work with these young people, it allowed me to challenge and develop my experiences and my interpersonal skills. The young people at Swan Youth Service made the experience very enjoyable”

Amy Boyle (23), Relief Contact Worker.

“My work placement in Swan Youth Service was a positive and enjoyable time. I got the opportunity to learn more about youth work and practice my skills gained in the University. I highly recommend Swan Youth Service for any students looking to do youth work and have a better understanding of it. Staff is very welcoming also and overall it was an amazing experience.”

Kelly (22) NEIC Part-time Detached Youth Worker.

“Swan Youth Service for me was a valuable experience. I found out of what it is like to work on the front lines of youth work, more importantly practising youth work to how it should be done, inclusive of all and with a strong sense of integrity with the values and principles of youth work.”

Matt (21) NEIC Detached Youth Worker.

“I had the most incredible time on work placement in Swan. The staff is absolutely incredible! There is something really special about Swan Youth Service and the work they are doing.”

Aibhinn (23) Community and Youth Development student at Technological University of Dublin.

“Swan helped me to shape my life from childhood to adulthood. I loved spending my time there and still do."

Dylan Joyce (25) Aircraft Technician Trainee at Dublin Airport.