Our Services

Open Access

Secondary school drop in:
Open Access runs twice a week for young people who are in Secondary School. The building is available for young people to come and engage with our Youth Workers, participate in activities, or just ‘hang out’ with friends. We aim to create a safe space for all young people and support them with whatever need or issue is arising in their lives. A music teacher is available if anyone is interested in trying out a musical instrument.

Post-secondary drop-in:
This a safe space for anyone finished secondary school, to engage with Youth Workers and discuss any needs or issues they are facing. We also have education and career support available for those that need it, this is helpful when it comes to CAO or PLC applications and/or job applications. At the moment we have an Artist working with the group, exploring community issues through digital media.

Edel- Youth Worker


At SYS we teach a number of musical instruments such as: acoustic guitars (half size for children and young teens), electric and bass guitars. We also teach piano (keyboard), ukulele, violin, thin whistle and harmonica, as well as percussion drums, tambourine, maracas, bodhran and others. Young people can learn to sing solo, group and harmony in different genres like rock, blues, pop, folk, traditional, reggae country, western and more.

We teach primary school children (9 yrs and up) in classes of approximately six children per class. Secondary students have access to musical instruments of their choice, three times weekly. We have a weekly music night for secondary students, duration of approximately two and half hours. First half for beginners, second half for advanced musicians to work on their own original material. We specialize in one to one classes each day of the week for students who take a more serious view of music.

We have instruments for both right and left-handed children so no one’s left out.

Our purpose is to give everyone the chance to become a musician, and also not just to listen to bands but to be a band member.

John – Music Tutor

Youth Employment

The Youth Employment worker engages with young people aged 18-25 to identify their Career options and to advocate on their behalf to access education and employment opportunities.

The programme engages with young people through principles of voluntary participation, empowerment, non-judgement, inclusion, equality, social justice and safety. It aims to empower and support young people to make informed choices, develop resilience working from a critical social education approach.

Business Engagement

Business engagement involves engaging innovatively with small to large sized businesses to increase inclusion and employment opportunities for young people from the northeast inner city. It aims to advocate and support young people who are seeking employment and to support those who may struggle in maintaining employment. The programme identifies training needs of young people. It avails of funding and other opportunities to break down barriers for young people in accessing training and employment. Business partners fund training programmes such as safe pass, manual handling, level 1 barista training, QQI Level 4 security, pre-apprenticeship/entrepreneurship etc.

Education engagement

We engage with young people through one to one support, education live nights and group work, street work, drop-ins to create awareness of educational opportunities. Information on courses, funding grants and support is provided. We network and collaborate with educational organisations, community and youth projects, colleges and CDETB Career guidance workers.

Aimee – Youth Employment/ Business engagement worker

Youth Diversion

Swan Youth Justice Project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union as part of the European Social Fund Plus Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Operational Programme 2021-2027.

Please see www.EUFunds.ie for further information.

SWAN YDP aims to help young people move away from activity that might get them or their friends into trouble with the law. We offer opportunities for education, employment training, sport, art, music and other activities.

Each young person involved in the project goes through an assessment to find their individual needs and strengths. Then the staff and young person design a programme of activities specifically to meet the needs of the young person. Sometimes programmes involve in-school support, small group work and individual support, personal development programmes, seasonal programmes (Easter, Summer, Halloween) and support for the families of young people.

Young people are referred to the Project in two ways:

  • Primary Referrals are referred from the JLO, usually as part of a caution.
  • Secondary Referrals can be referred by Community Gardaí, Family, Schools and other agencies that work with young people. A young person can also refer themselves to the project.

Age Group: 12 -18 yr olds

Sinéad – Youth Justice Worker

International Youth Club

The international Youth Club is a collaborative initiative which developed through the work of the International Young people at Risk sub-group. The IYC was established in January 2009 and runs every Saturday during school term time.  Some summer and holiday events are also organised for its participants at other times of the year.   The IYC is run and supported by the Neighbourhood Youth Project 2 (NYP2), the SWAN Youth Service and a group of young international volunteers who were members of the club.

The IYC is for young people with an international/migrant background aged 13-21 years.  It provides a safe space for young people to be themselves, develop new friendship circles, and engage in activities, without being exposed to racism.  Over time integration is promoted with Irish young people and members are encouraged to get more involved in other programs in SWAN Youth Service, NYP2, and other club and sports organisations.

The aim of the Saturday club is to engage young internationals who are fairly new to the country, or, who don’t have many social outlets outside of school time.  Through their involvement in the club, they also have an opportunity to get involved in youth leadership activities.

Evelyn – Youth Worker

One to One

The young people that participate are those who need more intensive support with certain issues that are affecting their lives. It allows a positive working relationship with the young person to develop.

The objectives are to:

  • Heighten the young person’s awareness of their own situation.
  • Assist the young person in exploring solutions to problems that may have arisen.
  • Give the young person some space to reflect and to encourage.
  • Challenge and show support appropriately.

It is important for young people as it allows the space for face to face contact with a supportive adult, if done right there can be improvements in self confidence and self esteem and allows young people to set goals big and small but also allows space for young people to reflect on their behavior, school life, family life and the time in the youth service.

Billy – Youth Justice Worker

Career Leap

Is a training programme for young people aged 18 – 25 from marginalized backgrounds. It has developed through a partnership of Community groups, Businesses, Trinity College Dublin and the ETB, and is funded by the NEIC and the ETB. We have come together to tackle youth unemployment in local communities in Dublin’s North East inner city. Career Leap is an evidence-based programme providing quality training, work experience and support to young people.

Aimee – Youth Employment/ Business engagement worker

What’s Your Issue?

Is collaborative youth arts initiative involving young people from SWAN Youth Service, Lourdes Youth and Community Services and Ballybough Youth Project with artists Shireen Shortt and Edel Byrne. Young people explore issues impacting themselves or others and create art to express their thoughts and ideas. They are supported by youth arts peer mentors aged 16-24 years. Their art takes the form of photography, film, drawing, dance, music and sculpture, exploring issues from discrimination to urban regeneration and everything in between. They have opinions about the world and how it should be changed! Their work is due to be exhibited in May 2019.

Eibhlin – Project Leader

SYS Studios

Was founded in 2013 by a group of local young people interested in promoting live music and performance in the North East Inner City Dublin. They are organized by an elected youth committee and supported by local musician John White as well as volunteers and other musicians. Guitar, bass, drums, piano and singing are to be heard every Thursday evening in the club. The newly established Paddy Behan recording studio was launched in 2017 with Dylan Joyce providing his expertise.  They have performed at many local events as well as the Helix, the Irish Youth Music Awards and the 5 Lamps Arts Festival.

Eibhlin – Project Leader

Film Club

Films are screened in the youth service on the first Sunday night of every month for young people aged 13 years+. The film club is for anyone interested in film and interested in learning more about the messages in films and other people’s thoughts on them. The film club is supported by the Irish Film Institute.

Eibhlin – Project Leader

Development Education Group

The group have looked at numerous issues on a local level.ie Poverty, homelessness etc and the then look at similar issues in the developed world. They make comparisons and see what’s different. They have a cross border program, where they link in with a group from Belfast and they look at similar issues. They have been on residentials which have been educational, cultural and fun.

Noel – Street Worker

NEIC Detached Youth Work Team

SWAN Youth Service operates a Detached Youth Work Project for the North East Inner City area. We’ve had a detached team for several years, covering the North Wall and North Strand area. Thanks to NEIC initiative we now have a Project Leader, and two additional detached Youth Workers. Our catchment area has been expanded to Ballybough, East Wall, North Circular Road, Mountjoy Square, Railway Street and Summerhill. You might spot us out and about in our blue jackets.

Our job is to work with young people in their own community. We don’t have a ‘club’ so we bring the club out on the street. We work with young people from 10 up to 25 years. We would particularly like to talk with young people who no longer attend their local clubs, are out of school but might like to get back into education or training, anyone who is looking to get into employment or is going through a rough time and is looking for support. We don’t always have the answers, but we have good contacts in the NEIC, who are also there to support young people.

If you see us out and about, please stop and say hello!

Aoife – NEIC Detached Youth Worker

Youth Climate Justice - Future Generations Project

Youth Climate Justice – Future Generations project seeks to explore and highlight the systemic and human rights issues related to the climate crisis. With this partnership, we will bring the unique voices of young people who are missing from the climate discourse.

The project function of the climate justice project will be supported by the steering group which consists of staff and young people from each of the partner organisations supported by NYCI Climate Justice project staff, this group meets monthly.

The Group in SWAN Youth Service engage weekly with this programme, the group are learning about climate action and climate justice. The group will present their learning through creative mediums.

Visit the Youth Climate Justice site HERE

Evelyn – Youth Worker